Roos C of E Primary School

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Main Street, Roos, East Yorkshire HU12 0HB

01964 670535

Roos C of E Primary School

Together we care, learn and shine

Together we care, learn and shine - Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:16

  1. Governors

Our Governors 

Governors Committee Meetings are held termly when all governors spend a day in school to study a specific aspect of governance.


Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor

Mr H GreggAppointed 24/10/2017

Delegated Roles: Pupil Premium, Safeguarding and Child protection, Health and Safety, Careers Education, Sports Premium and PE/Sport

Term of office end date: 05/05/2025


Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs P Evans Appointed 07/02/2022 

Delegated Roles: Mathematics, PSHE, RE and Collective Worship

Term of office end date: 06/02/2026


Parent Governors 

Mrs G Graham  - Appointed 08/03/2019

Delegated Roles: SEND & Early years foundation stage

Term of office end date: 07/03/2023


Mr R Day  - Appointed 27/05/2022

Delegated Roles: Anti-Bullying, Behaviour, Computing, Equality and Diversity and Safeguarding and Child Protection

Term of office end date: 26/05/2026


Co-opted Governors 

Mrs D Megson - Appointed 24/10/2017

Delegated Role: Training Link

Term of office end date: 27/06/2025


Mrs M Miller Appointed 01/09/2022

Delegated Roles: Assessment, Educational Visits, English and Humanities

Term of office end date: 31/08/2026


Foundation Governor

Mr B Rannard - Appointed 31/10/2017

Delegated Roles: The Arts, RE and Collective Worship

Term of office end date: 30/10/2041 


Staff Governor

Mr G Cartwright Appointed 01/09/2022

Term of office end date: 31/08/2026


Headteacher Governor

Mrs A Christian - Appointed 01/09/2022

Term of office end date: 31/08/2042

What do school governors do?

  • promote high standards of educational attainment
  • are involved in setting targets for pupil achievement
  • together with the school staff, take general responsibility for the conduct of the school
  • are involved in the management of the school's budget, including deciding how many staff work there, and their pay.
  • are involved in making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught, and report on pupils' achievement in National Curriculum assessment and examination results.
  • participate in the appointment of senior staff (including appointing the headteacher) and help regulate staff conduct and discipline.
  • are involved in drawing up an action plan after an inspection by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted).

How do I apply to become a school governor?

  • being elected by parents as a parent governor, if your child attends the school
  • being elected by the teaching or non-teaching staff, if you are a member of the teaching or non-teaching staff
  • being appointed by the local education authority
  • being appointed by the church or charitable trust
  • or being co-opted (appointed) by the other governors.

Our school will organise elections and tell parents/carers and staff about them as and when vacancies arise.


Register of interests

  • Mrs P Evans - governor at two other educational establishments
  • Mrs A Christian - R Bell Plumbing and Heating Services
  • Mrs D Megson - related to admin staff member, Steve Crawforth Plumbing and Heating Engineer, 2 relations work in other East Riding schools and Big Bandage First Aid 



Code of Conduct

To view the governor code of conduct, please click here


Attendance at Governor Meetings 2022-2023

Autumn Term 2022: All governors attended

Spring Term 2023: All governors attended

Summer Term 2024: All governors attended


Governor Day in School - February 2023 - apologies from PE, BR


Finance Committee Meeting - May 2023 - Apologies from BR


Headteacher Performance Management - June 2023 - relevant governors attended


Attendance at Governor Meetings 2023-2024

Autumn Term 2022: All governors attended

Spring Term 2023: All governors attended

Summer Term 2024: Apologies from BR


Governor Day in School - October 2023 - apologies from PE, BR


Finance Committee Meeting - October 2023 - Apologies from MM

                      - May 2024 - all relevant governors attended


Headteacher Performance Management - October 2023 - relevant governors attended 

     - March 2024 - relevant governors attended