Roos C of E Primary School

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Main Street, Roos, East Yorkshire HU12 0HB

01964 670535

Roos C of E Primary School

Together we care, learn and shine

Together we care, learn and shine - Let Your Light Shine - Matthew 5:16

  1. Remote Learning Information

Remote Learning Information


Please CLICK HERE to see information about what we will provide for remote learning in different circumstances. There is also information on the kind of content which will be set.


Some further information can be found below:

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly the following number of hours each day:


Key Stage 1 3 hours per day
Key Stage 2 3-4 hours per day


Accessing Remote Learning:

We will expect the remote learning to be accessed and submitted through Class Dojo. If any children/families are struggling with internet or devices, we will endeavour to lend devices, where possible, or help with internet connection through data sim cards or BT hotspots. Parents/carers should contact the school office for further support with this.



As mentioned in the document above, the government expectation is that children will engage with online learning which is set. Engagement will be monitored on a weekly basis and telephone calls home may be made where engagement is a concern.



Feedback will be made via Class Dojo on a daily basis. Teachers will 'like' and may comment on the children's work which has been sent in with further steps, praise and points for development. They may also make videos to support learning if needed on an individual basis. They will provide feedback through the portfolio where needed. 


Additional Support for Children with Specific Needs:

Families will be contacted via Dojo and additional work or meetings may take place, where appropriate, to support children's individual needs. This may be through a variety of methods, such as differentiated work, specific live sessions or through individual sessions. 


Mrs Christian is the lead for remote learning.